Showing posts with label negative SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label negative SEO. Show all posts

Friday 5 February 2016

Internet Marketing

Part 1

Some Introduction of Internet Marketing

The last two decades have seen many changes to the way we live our day to day lives. Technology, in particular the Internet, has changed the way we locate information, communicate with each other and even shop for our weekly groceries!

As an established business, or person hoping to start a new business, the current trends in technology simply cannot be ignored. To take the view that offering your goods or services online as some form of expansion or optional business activity would be folly, sure to guarantee the failure of all but a few distinct cases, and in most of those cases it is likely that some form of online presence would have been of enormous benefit to the business concerned

The aim of this book is to help not only those with an established online business that is not delivering the desired results, but those that wish to create a new online business presence, or start trading on the Internet, but lack the resources or skillls usually only available to larger businesses and organizations to succeed on the Internet

Seeking to pass on the required knowledge to create a successful online business, without the need for our readers to spend the next few years studying at college to learn new skills, by giving easy to read step-by-step article that you navigate the immense world of Internet marketing and be successful with your online enterprise. This manual was written to help those with little formal training, or limited experience to achieve success in the online marketplace.
Also included within this publication are a number of tips and industry tricks that can gain also the most seasoned. internet marketer. Some concepts discussed in this book are done so on a, what you need to know basis, and as such are not covered in depth beyond the rules you should follow to achieve the best results.

We would encourage you to research further any concepts of interest using the many free resources available on the World Wide Web. This book aims to be your starting point to help you identify concepts and practices that are vital for online success, while avoiding the waste of time, sources as well as money regarding performing. jobs which end up being connected with little or no entire advantage with.terms of increased website traffic or overall sales.


Friday 10 July 2015

Do you know big sin in the Search Engine Optimization?

In this article tell you about great sin SEO, which might help you to avoid this to improve your search engine optimization. Some important of them are mentions below:
Big sin in the search engine optimization
Big SEO Sin

  • Buying Links
  • Joining the wrong Link Directories
  • Article Marketing
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • Unnatural Anchor Text

Buying Links
                Buying Links are not good in eye of search engine; they deal them as a negative SEO. Especial one of the giant search engine Google not like to buy links.
Joining the Wrong Link Directories
                Joining the wrong link directories also a very big sin. By doing that kind of mistake your website seo going down or may be penalize by search engines.
Here give example how we put links in wrong directories.
Suppose you have website and you put this url in food directories this is a big mistake called joining the wrong link directories. We need to put the website in related directories.
Article Marketing
                Search engine very smart now a days, they introduce many algorithms such as Google introduce Google panda. Google panda check the worth and quality of content, also check duplication of content.
                We use article marketing for generating links for our website. Mean while our purpose to improve rank.
                When we start article marketing we spin different articles and re write with changing of some words with their synonymous. After that we share this article on different sharing sites to get link back to your website, but now a day algorithms are so smart the access this article spine and have same like other article. Keep in mind while you writing content must be unique not copy paste or re-write.
Keyword Stuffing:
                Keyword stuffing is another major sin in eye of the search engines. For the purpose of keyword ranking we use lot keywords in our website these said to be keyword stuffing. Avoid use of excessive keywords.
Unnatural Anchor Text
                Unnatural Anchor Text is also very big mistake and sin in SEO firm. Use proper relative anchor text.
Example how we use wrong anchor text, Suppose you give anchor text to A Sign Promotion with the link this said to be unnatural anchor text. So avoid that kind of techs to improve ranking of your website.
Broken Links
                Broken links also harmful for your websites. Why this happening sometimes website link shift or replace or any other reason. Search say they treat broken links as a natural so why penalized , so Its means it’s also very important factor to remove broken links. Not take this formally , take this issue seriously.

Negative SEO

Now a day search engine very smart and strict. Not easy to deceive search engine by these illegal activities. So be careful  while you doing SEO work for your website.